Meet And Greet hf556 And Eddzy

Hello Bin Weevils!

Myself and Eddzy had a great time at the meet and greet event and would like to thank you all for spending an hour of your day with us at Dosh’s Palace!

Staff member, unicron7022, even made an appearance at our party and we’ve managed to grab some Bin-tastic pictures!

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Stay tuned for future parties with Bin Weevil Company and we hope you enjoyed this event. Have a weevily Saturday.

  1. Hey hf556
    If you could find the time to come and check out my nest
    my skype is leondeguy we can arrange a time :D


  2. Please come to mine.
    Email to:
    to arrange a time and date.


  3. hf556 can you visit my nest and become my bud?


  4. can you plz go to my nest in binweevils


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