Try Avast Free Anti-Virus!

Hello Bin Weevils!

There’s been quite a lot of hacks going around lately and here at Bin Weevil Company, we want you all to stay safe online!

We recommend that you install Avast Free-Anti virus on your computer as they have over 220 million users. Wow, that’s certainly a big number!

Download Avast

Avast Anti-Virus can prevent hackers from being able to get onto your computer and it provides protection against viruses.

P.S Don’t forget that on Saturday you can meet and greet the admins here at Bin Weevil Company, hf556 and Eddzy! Click here for the details.

– hf556

About hf556

Hello, I'm hf556! I enjoy reporting the latest Bin news and my favourite games are Rum's Luggage Rummage, Lab's Lab and Wack A Weevil! I'm all blue with a set of super legs and antennas! . I was taught at Flem Manor School and later trained to be a secret agent at Castle Gam! My favourite locations are Nest Street, Flum's Fountain and Rum's Airport. My favourite films are Gam saves the Bin, Clott almosts blows the Bin apart and Bunty goes shopping crazy. My favourite nest items are Bling's wallpaper, Clott's explosion chair and Bunty's shopping list. My disliked nest items are Scribbles' clock, Tink's lamp and the Top Trump poster. My best buddies are Dumdawg, Emeeyceey, Eddzy, Mackied, Tum103 and Tiny-Weevil. I hope you enjoyed reading my profile!

Posted on August 28, 2014, in Not Bin Weevils and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. I have avast already ;)
    It’s great because it has tools to help. But sometimes it can give false positives. But there’s an exclude feature so you make it “not detected”


  2. Hf556, are there any other virus protectors available? Thank you


  3. Personally, I think AVG Antivirus FREE works SO MUCH better than Avast!


  4. I wonder what’s coming in September to Bin Weevils??


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